Productive Farming Strategy

Abandon the envelope and stationery; get prospective client attention with a postcard. Eliminate the chance of someone not opening your mail. A postcard will at least be looked at and possibly kept if you have good content
What is good content when farming (mailing to prospective clients)?
Keep your content meaningful by providing relevant local market conditions, including: Average sales price, median sales price, days on market, interest rates, current active inventory and any details to position yourself as the information portal. Consumers are looking for a competent agent with market knowledge. Not the agent that sends the best recipe card.
Don’t wait for something to happen, make it happen yourself!
As you become established with prospective clients as the local information resource, you can leverage yourself to generate even more results. How do you do this? Contact every FSBO in the neighborhood. The FSBO has now become a warm contact for you. They have been receiving your statistical market information and you have credibility. Don’t underestimate the benefits of holding open houses in your farm area – and adding those people to your farm list. Over time your farm list will come to know you as a source for valuable market information.


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