Increase your Listing Inventory

Why is working with sellers worth more than buyers to you?

1. When you have a listing, everyone in the area knows you are selling the house because they see your sign. When you are working with buyers, very few people know.
2. When you are working with buyers you are working for all the agents in the area to sell their listings. When you are working with sellers all the agents are working for you to sell your listings.
3. Many realtors have stated that working with buyers can take more time and sellers take less time.
4. Listings generate sign calls.
5. You can be out of town and sell a listing. With buyer’s, you have to be there to make a sale.

No doubt, you have to do more prospecting to get listings,. Here are two key strategies to convert more listing presentations into clients:
1. Turn your listing presentations into listening presentations.
2. Show prospective sellers how you are the best marketer, negotiator and home staging resource, based on their wants and needs.

Don’t tell the seller how you work, ask them what they expect you to do to get their home sold. Verbalize your value proposition based on their expectations. Don’t sell, serve. Be truthful and committed to what you do to get homes sold and let them know what you don’t do and why. Have a complete marketing plan. And do not talk commission until they have agreed to market their property with you.


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