Business Planning

Most agents don’t have a written business plan. A good business plan can help you organize your business and strive to achieve measurable goals in your business. Impress your broker while you organize yourself to start achieving your personal goals. Take the time to do a business plan, act on it, and position yourself as a leading agent in the market.

Here are the basic elements of a business plan:
1. Measurable Attainable Results
• Number of closed transactions
• Average sales price
• Total sales volume
• Average commission percentage per transaction
• Total gross commission income

2. Strategies and Tactics
• Lead generation
• Lead management
• Lead follow-up

3. Budgeting
• Marketing budget
• Business expenses
• Commission split or any miscellaneous fees

A business plan is not about complexity, it’s about simplicity and clarity. Ask yourself:
1. What are your results going to be?
2. How are you going to get there?
3. What are the financial measurements?



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